As a way to give thanks for the year of 2022 as well as getting my shiny
new blue colour today, I thought i’d give back by showing you guys a
method I’ve been using recently to generate some income.
As always any feedback, comments, or criticism is welcomed
What you need
- TikTok Account with 1000 followers
- DHgate, Aliexpress, Alibaba affiliate account (easy to get)
- Monitor screen
Step 1:
Using TikTok’s search feature search for the hashtag #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt.
An abundance of videos with products that dropshippers are promoting
will show up.
Step 1.1:
To get the latest and greatest products use the filters provided to
narrow your search to either Past 24 hours or Past week then sort by
like count.
In doing this you will only see the most liked videos in the last 24 hours or the last 7 days.
Step 2:
Look for the product being advertised on your chosen affiliate site, this can be done by simply searching exactly what it is.
For example a trendy product at the time of writing are airpod cleaners.
Simply search on DHgate ‘Airpod Cleaner’ and look for the listing that matches the selected video.
Step 3:
Record a stitch of the video you found using #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt and
’expose’ the creator of the video by showing their product for sub $10
on DHgate. (Sorry dropshippers )
This is where your creativeness will need to come in as simply recording
your monitor screen and clicking around isn’t exactly exciting but I’m
sure you can add your own twists to it.
Step 4
Re direct users from the video to your link in bio where you will either
have a link tree or your own website that lists all the affiliate
links to the products on your page.
Be sure to add either the same thumbnail you used for the tiktok video
or a clear product image so users know exactly what to click on.
Step 5:
Post. Post. Post. The more you post the more eyes see your video.
Comment on viral products saying ‘You can get it for $x on my page’. Do
anything you can ‘without getting on TikTok shadowbanned spam list’ to
get eyes on your page.
You will never run out of content, someone somewhere will be
dropshipping via TikTok and as long as people are doing that this method
will not die.
Bonus quick tips:
Choose an affiliate offer that uses cookies instead of 1 product as
anything they buy on the website means you will get a commission
Make sure you include the lowest priced item in your stitch as people
need a reason to get it from DHgate instead of the original website they
Having a specific niche like only doing cleaning products may work in
your favour as some of the Chinese wholesaler sites do category related
affiliate offers
Don’t be afraid to directly comment on people’s videos saying you have
it cheaper, yes it’s unethical but we aren’t here for ethics we’re here
to make money
You don’t need to use #TikTokmademebuyit change it up find a hashtag that dropshippers are using and scrape it for videos.
Thank you guys and let me know what you think about this method.
Remember all feedback criticism and comments is appreciated and welcomed
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